
Kudun and Partners

Navigating the complexities of unfair termination claims in Thailand requires careful attention to local labour laws and practical strategies for employers. The article "Unfair Termination Claims in Thailand: Practical Guidance on Minimising the Risks and Managing Claims for Employers" offers an in-depth analysis of the Thai legal landscape surrounding unfair dismissal. It outlines key steps employers can take to mitigate risks, including understanding the specific grounds on which termination may be deemed unfair, maintaining thorough documentation, and adhering to procedural requirements. By highlighting the importance of transparency and clear communication with employees, the article provides actionable insights that can help businesses avoid costly legal disputes. Additionally, it addresses the potential consequences of unfair termination claims and offers guidance on how to handle these situations effectively.

Discover the full expert guide on managing employment termination risks effectively here: https://www.kap.co.th/thought-leadership/unfair-termination-claims-in-thailand-practical-guidance-on-minimising-the-risks-and-managing-claims-for-employers/

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